
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Waft away from the Hot Air Balloon
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
This week, Laura, Anna and Mike escape from Dom's fiendish hot air balloon. Maybe they'll learn a some handy facts about them along the way, who can tell?
Maybe they'll stay on the balloon, and leave this cursed, doomed little island filled with wretchedness, drifting out to somewhere nice and Scandinavian?
Assuming we haven't been rounded up by the Daily Mail's self appointed 'patriotic patrols' for eating pesto, you can Holla at us on the facebooks, or via the twitters @TIER_Podcast.

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Advent Calendar Countdown - The tenth day of Skeletor
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
My god has it been ten episodes already? Has the veil of sanity started to part on the edit? Is anyone reading these notes? I don't think I recognize my hands in front of me...everything is little sound clips moving around in a little grey universe... but wait, there's a man in red waving to me. A big jolly man in red beckoning me towards a day of family, and happiness and food and presents...I'm coming big red jolly man, let me just put down my editing shears...but wait - where is your little hat? Where is your bushy beard? Why do you have horns, and why is Christmas a thousand miles beneath the surface of the earth and covered in flames...

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Advent Calendar Countdown - The ninth day of Macarena
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Tis day the ninth, Christmas eve eve eve!
Mike, Dom, Anna and Laura find themselves escaping a funky Christmas dance party!
Will they get sued by the EBI? Surely not before Christmas!
Holla at us on the Twitters before we get sent to jail @TIER_Podcast

Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sexy Wizards, Lizards and Tall Dwarves escape the Dragon’s Lair!
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Don't worry, we've not come over all D&D! Except that Mike is now a level fifteen sex wizard with incredible hands and a burning beard, All four foot of Dom looks great in his high heels and cape, and Lizard Anna tries to nab the last of the beer from Dom's iron grip.
Can this mismatched band of merry adventurers escape the Dragon's Lair?
We know the answer, and you too can share in this powerful elder knowledge by listening on!
Also Dom got really in to drawing his notes for this episode, so we've included them here for your entertainment. Let us know how you feel about fantasy TIER on twitter @TIER_PODCAST

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Escape the Punch and Judy show!
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
This week, Anna has Mike, Laura and Dom locked in the fun filled tent of a Punch and Judy show!
Is it behind them?
Where's Judy?
How does one calculate net puppet happiness?
Lend us your ear holes, and find out!

Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Holy Batcave Batman!
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
This week, Mike, Laura, Anna and Dom find themselves imprisoned by that rich lunatic, Bruce Wayne! And his mystery mate Batman.
Will Alfred be cockney, posh or toned from picking up towels?
Will a heavily trademarked character or villain appear to enrich everyone's day with their distinct intellectual property?
Will Warner Brothers be in contact shortly with a takedown request? Oh cripes please don't sue us WB - we cool yeah?
Hopefully not, but just in case enjoy it while you can!

Saturday Feb 23, 2019
The Pub Lock-in
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Recorded in an actual pub, which it turns out makes editing hard!
Thish week, Mike, Dom and Anna find themshelves trapped behind the big flat thing that all of the beer and mickshers live behind.
Will they escape before some dreadful pub regular starts waffling on about how he called the police because a prostitute tied him up and stole his camera? (True story...ugh...)
Will Mike and Anna spec out their perfect pub lunch, even though it is in no way related to any puzzles?
Will we seamlessly stop for a second round of drinks even though we're plenty squiffy after the first?
You'll probably find out if you give it a listen. Go on you cheeky goose.

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Spooky Halloween Special!
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
To celebrate the bizarre intercontinental American faux-holiday of Halloween - why not treat yourself to a cheeky bonus episode?
This week, Mike, Laura, Dom and Anna all have far too much beer, and play a spooky Infinite Escape Room Party game. Will they escape before they run out of beer?!
Spoiler - they don't. They end up switching to brandy and rum. Mike had a horrid headache the next morning.